Shining Moon - Time To Shine
Comments (7)
Er komen qua gezicht knappere dames voorbij, maar als ik haar dan zo in lingerie op dat bureautje zie, krijg ik toch de neiging om dat bureautje eens te testen op de robuustheid.
dat bureautje ziet er aanzienlijk minder robuust uit dan de dame... ik zou het er niet op wagen. En anders met de benodigde veiligheidsmiddelen.
Yea I'm with @Zwarte Piet on this one. Not the prettiest girl but she has a fantastic figure and a great attitude. Both of which go a very long way. Now that I'm in my 40's and have been with my share of women, I place a much higher value on a woman who is not full of herself, and loves life. I'd love a chance to destroy that desk she's sitting on.
Summed up nicely by @Zwarte Piet and @Tail Gunner and she has a beautiful neat pussy as well !!
Not pretty? In that case, fuck that ass ;}
Matige photoshoot...