Sylvia Blunt - Vibrant Smile
Comments (8)
She looks like a good time. Bit of a cavernous vag but that wouldn't stop me by any means. Nice body.
She looks prettier than she is but the sum of all parts leads me to a high rating. And her beautiful pussy is a big plus for sure!
Uiterst likbare mossel. Verder beetje jammer van dan geblondeerde haar.
Lekkere poes, beetje magere kont. Ik vind het vooral merkwaardig dat er vooral rond haar linker tepelaureool een wit kringetje te zien is. Heb dat bij andere dames ook al gezien en vraag me af waar dat vandaan komt?
@Rextor - The white circle is from tanning topless and using nipple covers to keep nipples from getting sun burn. For some reason women do not want hard/leathery nipples when they are older, but the rest of their skin is fine that way.
Photobomb at n. 19
@Goodman, thanks for explanation. Looking at naked girls can be educational.
Sexy Lil spinner with a luscious faceplant pussy! I think she would be a lot of fun!